Saturday, November 26, 2005
Highlight: Flame Alchemist, Fighting Lieutenant, Mystery of the Thirteenth Warehouse... and the other animes on my Saturday line-up

Hahahaha. I loved this week's FMA episode. It wasn't dark at all and it's refreshing to see the lighter side and humor of the show. I'm so mad at myself for missing last week's episode but at least I didn't miss this week. Maybe I'll buy the whole boxed set of FMA when I'm filthy rich(if that ever happens)... So basically the whole episode is a glimpse into what's happening with Colonel Mustang and his team. It was so funny. When the show started, I was really surprised. Instead of the title saying Fullmetal Alchemist, it said Flame Alchemist. (military group picture courtesy of http://www.animeanytime.com.au/catalog/images/FMA-shitajiki-brown.jpg)
Of course, that was the first attention step. But what came next deepened my surprise even further. Instead of the usual speech of Al given at the beginning if the show, Riza Hawkeye was the one speaking and had a totally different speech. There was even a picture of their group taking the place of Al and Ed's picture. It was so totally cool and caught me offguard!
The rest of the episode was really funny mostly because of Mustang's hilarious subordinates(with the exception of Riza, though). It started with them spying on the Colonel and logging his every move. Turns out Mustang is such a procrastinator (very much like me! hehe). Well anyway those boys found out that this one village girl whom one of the guys had a crush on liked Mustang! Did that sound complicated? So Havoc (I researched his name just now) who is the one who got dissed by the girl became sad and depressed. Mustang ordered the other 3 men Fury, Breda, and Farman to find a “cute cheerful girl, with a good personality” to date Havoc. Now, it just so happens that they bumped into Armstrong, this big man totally obsessed with his muscles, and suggests that Havoc date his sister who, according to him is "a very beautiful girl but just shy". It was hilarious watching Havoc obsess over what the girl probably looked like, her having a fat father and an extremely tall mother after all. To his enormous surprise, the girl turned out to be really pretty. As soon as they met though, bad luck struck him once again and the girl told him that she only liked well built and handsome men like her brother. Ouch! Now, about the mystery of the 13th warehouse, the 3 goofy guys keep saying to Mustang that they really saw the ghost of that warehouse when they were walking home the other day. Mustang, on the other hand, refused to believe them and so they tricked him into coming with them to that place. Along the way, Riza stops by at Hughes' place and for the first time since his death, Mustang visits Glacier and Elysia. He was about to come in when he saw Winry upstairs give him an angry look. He comments to Riza that "ghosts are easy to deal with. Real people... now that's scary. Give me a ghost anyday", revealing that Mustang himself has some troubled feelings inside of him. So they arrived at the warehouse place and it turns out that warehouse 13 is actually warehouse B. Get it? But Mustang did see a bone hidden in the soil that could belong to a dead soldier. In the end, Mustang hears of Archer’s plans of going to this place to stop a potential civil war, and using his weight in the military, he was able to acquire a commander position leading forces east to suppress the rebellion. I didn't like the ending too much because it left me kind of hanging but oh well. Hehe well this sure is a long review. Thanks to anyone who read what I wrote so far! Next week's episode is about Ed and Al again, titled "With the River's Flow"(woot i remembered it). It had a nice trailer and I can't wait to see it.
So what about the other anime in my daily saturday line-up? Sigh there isn't any Inuyasha anymore. They ran out of episodes I guess and need to buy the next season. Darn! And just when things were getting interesting too. Again, I blame myself for not watching last week's episode because as it turns out, that was the LAST one. Samurai Champloo was good too this week. I really like this show and I researched on it yesterday. I found a lot of comments comparing it with Cowboy Bebop saying that it was just an imitation or something. I disagree because I don't think Cowboy Bebop is even that good. I saw one episode and I didn't feel like watching again. Samurai Champloo has this cool hip-hop funk to it and it is so amazing that it works well with a show on samurais or actually, Edo Japan. My favorite episode so far, despite the sadness it caused me, is the one where Fuu(the leading girl) is hostaged by a handsome thief whom she learns has a diseased mother and therefore steals to get money for medicine. In the end the two get close and when she helped him escape he looked back and said, "I'll pay you back for this if ever we meet again." They were falling in love with each other. Then the guy was seen by the police who were chasing him while he was running on the roof. Fuu jumped down and followed him. But just as she reached the roof's edge, she saw with her very own eyes the guy being killed. The last thing the guy saw was her. OMG after that episode I cried. I was so affected. Ok so anyway(argh got side-tracked again!), Neon genesis evangelion was a dissapointment because it was the same episode I saw last Thursday. Then I watched Boondocks for the very first time because I was intrigued by it. It had strong language and other stuff but it wasn't as bad as I expected. It actually seemed pretty normal. Other shows on Adult Swim like FLCL and Robot Chicken and stuff are really weird. Then there was S-cry-ed. It was very action-packed and a LOT of things happened. I'm so glad they defeated Mujo! Ack I think this is long enough. It's 3:40 a.m right now! I hope someone took time to read my WHOLE entry because it sure took me a long time to write. Till next time... Ciao! Ja ne! Paalam (Tagalog, my native language btw... look it up)! cya!!!
posted by Bubbles at 11:30 PM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
The Little Sick Bunny
 Hahaha isn't it cute??? This is something my tito, or uncle drew on his computer drawing pad. He did a pretty good job don't ya think? Yes this represents me because as you can tell, I am the pink bunny. And if you're wondering what the cute little ice bag, thermometer and band-aid are for, go to this link:
I was touched when I read it and when I saw the bunny he drew. I put a comment on that entry, by the way. Wahahaha I think it looks so cute! I just hope this little bunny will get better soon though...
posted by Bubbles at 7:06 PM
Sunday, November 13, 2005
FMA Episode 35: The Reunion of the Fallen
Yes yes yes it's another sad episode today. But after so many episodes like that, I'm starting to get used to it. ;) Ok in this episode it reveals some insight about Lust's more human side and past memories. During the start of the episode, we see Lust wondering where she came from. Later she sees a man named Lujon again, healing one boy with the fake philosopher's stone she gave him. It turns out Lust, of all people(or things actually), helped him cure his village and taught him alchemy. She also catches glimpses of her past whenever she's with him. For ONCE, I actually hoped that Lust has some goodness inside of her (like Greed) but *sigh* turns out she's still evil. There was one scene where Lujon makes a dead bird fly again with alchemy but, unbeknowst to them, the bird falls and becomes dead right after it perched itself. That explains why the people of the village are cured for only a limited amount of time. In the end, it is revealed that it had been Lust and Envy's plan all along to spread the disease and make him seek out the Philosopher's stone. I was surprised by what transpired next. Lust killed Lujon!!! Even worse, she stabbed him while he was hugging her. All hopes of Lust having compassion and goodness was gone. And right after he was killed, all the people in the village screamed in pain. After Lujon died, the fake philosopher's stone broke. Lydia, Lujon's fiancee, (who was rescued from thugs by Ed) ran to Lujon and when Winry, Ed and Al reached her through the mist, they found her dead looking like a tree. That is what fossil disease does, by the way. it makes you look grotesque and hard, resembling a tree. Lust's last words to Lujon was, " You were nothing more than a mistake." As she and Gluttony was riding away, Lust still didn't let him eat the people, though. I was left to ponder if she really did have feelings for Lujon and has a human side to her. Could she have had regret or sadness for what she had done???
(a/n: warning! the following contains spoilers) Ooh I am so pissed. i was reading the spoilers (which i so love to do haha) and i stumbled upon one saying that Ed and Al regain their bodies and become young but AL HAS NO MEMORY OF WHAT HAPPENED! And what's worse, they get separated and go into two different worlds, one where there's alchemy and the other where there's none. oh gosh that sucks... Hmm at first I just ignored it and said to myself "that can't be true" but after seeing that more than 2 people posted the same thing I started to consider it and let it sink in. But what good would having their bodies back be if they're not together?! Grr... and what about Winry? I kinda hoped she and Ed would end up together in the end but hey, that sounds almost impossible if he's in an ENTIRELY different world! :( I hope it's not true, though it likely is. Grr that's what I get for rummaging through spoilers but no, i take that back, I'd rather know about it than get mad at the end when I find out. I was getting frustrated too while I was reading the spoilers because I knew most of them and I couldn't find anything I didn't already know. I think Colonel Hughes' death was the MOST SHOCKING of all the spoilers definitely. I was in shock even after the episode was over. it totally caught me by surprise! I wonder if Ed knows about what happened yet...
This is the link to that spoilers page if anyone wants to see it: http://fma.aucifer.com/episode_spoilers.php
P.S. Today's Inuyasha episode was AWESOME!!! i really liked it... it's called Episode 126: Transform Heartache Into Courage. I was really impressed by Kagome here. Next week's episode is said to be good too...hehehe **(twinkling eyes). Can't wait!
posted by Bubbles at 12:22 AM
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Inuyasha's Interesting Again! :D... and other thoughts on this week's FMA episode
FINALLY finally Inuyasha has become interesting again!!! The episode I just watched is #125: The Darkness in Kagome's Heart. Inuyasha is depressed about Kikyo's death and looks for her when a priest drops a hint that she could be alive(they don't know that this priest is actually already dead and just being controlled...tsk even I was fooled). This, of course, leaves Kagome feeling deserted and full of resentment. Hmm I think I read a good fanfiction once that was about Inuyasha leaving Kagome to look for Kikyo. Waa the thing about fanfiction is, you really need to document what you read and where or at least make notes because it's so hard to find it the next day. that is, unless you read all your fanfiction in one place hehe. Anyway, while Kagome, Sango and Miroku are walking down the road this group of annoying pompous soldiers came upon them and wanted to arrest them because they seemed suspicious. Sango said to Miroku that they could easily defeat them but Miroku discouraged it and even added, "come come my dear Sango, you shouldn't start talking(a/n: or was it acting?) like Inuyasha." Haha i thought that was funny. But if you think about it, it would really be logical for them to defeat those inferior stupid soldiers right then and there but oh well, then there would no plot for the episode, would there? So when they arrived at the place there were many people who were also taken in. Kagome was called forth by their "leader" who was behind the see-through door and it's quite obvious from the beginning that their female leader was, in fact, a demon. I was a bit surprised though to know that the baby the female was holding was actually the one who was talking and controlling her. Turns out that baby is Naraku's incarnation@@. Ok so let's go back to what happened with Sango and Miroku. Sango took out her hidden knife and totally kicked their butts! She was so cool... Then she freed Miroku and he helped. Meanwhile, the baby said that he wanted Kagome's eyes since she could see the jewel shards. The baby clung to her and it turns out that he was looking for darkness inside her heart so it could control her. The incident with Inuyasha looking for Kikyo was the one which got her in trouble. You couldn't really blame Kagome though. I felt so sorry for her!So that was the whole episode. I'm really glad that things are starting to pick up again. Can't wait till next week :D
Ok now for Fullmetal alchemist, it was another dark episode. There were a few parts which sort of disgusted me. For instance, the sight of the bleeding soldiers, seeing blood on the homunclus( which eats everything), implying that it had eaten Greed's loyal allies and seeing Greed himself dying was really... well, gross. With Greed dead and those allies who were so unbelievably loyal to him eaten, it kinda makes me think that good doesn't always overcome evil in this series. grrr it's exasperating that evil should live and the good should die. But there were aspects of this episode which were good too. It showed that sometimes there are villains who deserve a second look.
So that's a daily dose of anime! Neon Genesis Evangelion and S-cry-ed (the latter i put with more emphasis) deserve a look too. They're both good animes:). Ahh ok I'll stop babbling about anime now. Depending on how interesting next week's episodes might be, expect another anime episode review! See ya...
posted by Bubbles at 8:23 PM

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