Sunday, November 13, 2005
FMA Episode 35: The Reunion of the Fallen
Yes yes yes it's another sad episode today. But after so many episodes like that, I'm starting to get used to it. ;) Ok in this episode it reveals some insight about Lust's more human side and past memories. During the start of the episode, we see Lust wondering where she came from. Later she sees a man named Lujon again, healing one boy with the fake philosopher's stone she gave him. It turns out Lust, of all people(or things actually), helped him cure his village and taught him alchemy. She also catches glimpses of her past whenever she's with him. For ONCE, I actually hoped that Lust has some goodness inside of her (like Greed) but *sigh* turns out she's still evil. There was one scene where Lujon makes a dead bird fly again with alchemy but, unbeknowst to them, the bird falls and becomes dead right after it perched itself. That explains why the people of the village are cured for only a limited amount of time. In the end, it is revealed that it had been Lust and Envy's plan all along to spread the disease and make him seek out the Philosopher's stone. I was surprised by what transpired next. Lust killed Lujon!!! Even worse, she stabbed him while he was hugging her. All hopes of Lust having compassion and goodness was gone. And right after he was killed, all the people in the village screamed in pain. After Lujon died, the fake philosopher's stone broke. Lydia, Lujon's fiancee, (who was rescued from thugs by Ed) ran to Lujon and when Winry, Ed and Al reached her through the mist, they found her dead looking like a tree. That is what fossil disease does, by the way. it makes you look grotesque and hard, resembling a tree. Lust's last words to Lujon was, " You were nothing more than a mistake." As she and Gluttony was riding away, Lust still didn't let him eat the people, though. I was left to ponder if she really did have feelings for Lujon and has a human side to her. Could she have had regret or sadness for what she had done???
(a/n: warning! the following contains spoilers) Ooh I am so pissed. i was reading the spoilers (which i so love to do haha) and i stumbled upon one saying that Ed and Al regain their bodies and become young but AL HAS NO MEMORY OF WHAT HAPPENED! And what's worse, they get separated and go into two different worlds, one where there's alchemy and the other where there's none. oh gosh that sucks... Hmm at first I just ignored it and said to myself "that can't be true" but after seeing that more than 2 people posted the same thing I started to consider it and let it sink in. But what good would having their bodies back be if they're not together?! Grr... and what about Winry? I kinda hoped she and Ed would end up together in the end but hey, that sounds almost impossible if he's in an ENTIRELY different world! :( I hope it's not true, though it likely is. Grr that's what I get for rummaging through spoilers but no, i take that back, I'd rather know about it than get mad at the end when I find out. I was getting frustrated too while I was reading the spoilers because I knew most of them and I couldn't find anything I didn't already know. I think Colonel Hughes' death was the MOST SHOCKING of all the spoilers definitely. I was in shock even after the episode was over. it totally caught me by surprise! I wonder if Ed knows about what happened yet...
This is the link to that spoilers page if anyone wants to see it: http://fma.aucifer.com/episode_spoilers.php
P.S. Today's Inuyasha episode was AWESOME!!! i really liked it... it's called Episode 126: Transform Heartache Into Courage. I was really impressed by Kagome here. Next week's episode is said to be good too...hehehe **(twinkling eyes). Can't wait!
posted by Bubbles at 12:22 AM

hits since 24-11-04

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i feel so old... i cant even follow your anime stories :(
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