Saturday, October 22, 2005
Fullmetal Alchemist
I just finished watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Dante of the Deep Forest. i KNEW that little boy was evil. I spoke with this short bossy girl in my Renaissance revels dance practice(i wrote about it in an earlier entry) and she refused to accept the fact that that boy was evil. Hah! Now I get to gloat bwahaha. She shouldn't contradict someone who read the show spoilers :).
You know, this series never fails to amaze me with its jam-packed episodes. It is so full of emotion and depth... Ok so for those of you who don't know what Fullmetal Alchemist is, it is about 2 young boys who lost their mother at a young age. They try to bring her back with a forbidden alchemy and in turn, one brother (Alphonse or Al) lost his body and the other( Edward or Ed) lost his arm and leg in return for his brother Al. Still with me here? Let me explain it more clearly. The no. 1 principle of alchemy is Equivalent Exchange which states that to obtain, something of equal value must be lost. When Ed and Al tried to bring back their mother, they failed to satisfy that principle(because nothing can equal a soul) and instead of getting back their mother, Al lost his body. Ed would never have gotten to see his brother again but thanks to his quick thinking, he was able to transmute Al's soul to a nearby piece of armor but had to give up his arm and leg in the process(he wore automail). The rest of the series is spent looking for a way to get their bodies back. A lot of events are experienced and lessons learned as they go through their journey.
My favorite character is this pretty girl named Winry :) . She is Ed and Al's childhood friend and being somewhat a romance fan, I hope she and Ed will end up together in the end. But this series has a downside too. Sometimes it can get too dark and depressing. For those of you who watched, wasn't Colonel Hughes' death extremely sad? And also the show exhibits issues that we face today like corruptness and actually that law of equivalent exchange is something to ponder about. The part about that homunculus having Ed's body parts, Izumi having lost his inner organs and about the other side of the gate which Ed thought as the "truth" but seemed more like hell to Izumi was a bit too much for me. yep it definitely has a dark side. There's even more bad events to come( hehe read it in the spoilers). Oh well, I guess that's part of the show's impact and appeal because it makes it emotional. I think it's more of an anime for older people. Compared to inuyasha, inuyasha seems so drab(at least for now). I was so addicted to inuyasha before especially after the 2nd movie came out. Right now the episodes seem so uneventful. I'm now watching season 4 and it's so full of action scenes (not that i have anything against it). I still love it though (it's a great series!!!) and the fanfiction rocks! so that's it about FMA. Can't wait to see next week's episode. See ya!
posted by Bubbles at 8:54 PM

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