Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Just a Thought...
 Have you ever looked to the sky and wondered what will happen? Time, like the swirling hues of the sky, keeps changing no matter what. It feels like you're a dandelion being flown in all directions... drifting. Where will I end up? I could stay in this place or fly halfway through the globe, or perhaps become sick with the looming danger that's inside me. Or who knows... maybe the things that I have could be taken away from me. Isn't ignoring these worries better? Will thinking about this help me? Sometimes it would be better to just... drift. In truth, I'm lucky. Other people have no choice but to drift, to forget because of the pain they feel. But whatever tomorrow may hold, there's also a possibility that it'll also be good. Some good things happen that you don't control. Hope... and faith... They give you strength, along with the people you can rely on. Unlike the dandelion, we have some control of our destination. That's why even though there's some things we can't control, we have to do our best to make it better. Isn't the human mind wonderful? To have the ability to survive and adapt to whatever situation we're in? Besides, God promised not to give us challenges we can't overcome. So that's why I'll smile. I'll look to the sky and smile...
posted by Bubbles at 5:03 PM

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