Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Renaissance Horror
Have you ever felt like you've made a wrong decision and now you can't get out? Well today I have. There's this thing called Renaissance Revels in my school(for community service credit). My Lit. teacher started it this week and it is where you learn renaissance dance or music or something for a play. In this case, it is Twelfth Night. We studied these dance videos from the web and the dances aren't that hard. No it wasn't. BUT my problem is, there is this move where your partner hoists you in the air and you jump around in a circle. When you watch it, it seems so easy but it is so hard. One time my arm felt like it was being yanked very hard. In addition to that pain, I shudder at the thought that my partner would be holding me all throughout this thing. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate him or anything but I get uncomfortable when his hand is on my waist or when he supports me with his foot. At one point he said the man was actually supposed to kick me with his foot in the behind to hoist me. @@ NO WAY!!!I do not want him anywhere NEAR that body part. Thankfully though, my partner was lenient and when i told him i didn't want him to touch me in the behind, he agreed. Has this happened to anyone? But my partner is actually the person whom everybody finds annoying and disgusting. He's okay though but I feel very uncomfortable if he has to touch me. Now, it probably seems logical to just quit that thing since i don't like it. The thing is, I can't.:( The reason is because we already chose partners and also because, well, our teacher is kinda scary. She's not the easy-to-approach kind of teacher. So now how am I supposed to get out of this mess??? I never should have went because I just needed like 2 or 3 more hours of community service and I could easily pay that off in a week as a Teacher RA. Oh why oh why did I go??? Grrrr... That's life for you. There are some things where you just have to grin and bare it. Oh who knows? Maybe this will turn out to be a fun, nice and educational thing. Hmm I sorta doubt that would happen anytime soon. Sigh... Well that's a daily update on my life. TTYL!
posted by Bubbles at 3:07 PM

hits since 24-11-04

now playing:

Hehe community service by dancing? At least it sounds better than cleaning the whiteboard :p
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