Saturday, November 05, 2005
Inuyasha's Interesting Again! :D... and other thoughts on this week's FMA episode
FINALLY finally Inuyasha has become interesting again!!! The episode I just watched is #125: The Darkness in Kagome's Heart. Inuyasha is depressed about Kikyo's death and looks for her when a priest drops a hint that she could be alive(they don't know that this priest is actually already dead and just being controlled...tsk even I was fooled). This, of course, leaves Kagome feeling deserted and full of resentment. Hmm I think I read a good fanfiction once that was about Inuyasha leaving Kagome to look for Kikyo. Waa the thing about fanfiction is, you really need to document what you read and where or at least make notes because it's so hard to find it the next day. that is, unless you read all your fanfiction in one place hehe. Anyway, while Kagome, Sango and Miroku are walking down the road this group of annoying pompous soldiers came upon them and wanted to arrest them because they seemed suspicious. Sango said to Miroku that they could easily defeat them but Miroku discouraged it and even added, "come come my dear Sango, you shouldn't start talking(a/n: or was it acting?) like Inuyasha." Haha i thought that was funny. But if you think about it, it would really be logical for them to defeat those inferior stupid soldiers right then and there but oh well, then there would no plot for the episode, would there? So when they arrived at the place there were many people who were also taken in. Kagome was called forth by their "leader" who was behind the see-through door and it's quite obvious from the beginning that their female leader was, in fact, a demon. I was a bit surprised though to know that the baby the female was holding was actually the one who was talking and controlling her. Turns out that baby is Naraku's incarnation@@. Ok so let's go back to what happened with Sango and Miroku. Sango took out her hidden knife and totally kicked their butts! She was so cool... Then she freed Miroku and he helped. Meanwhile, the baby said that he wanted Kagome's eyes since she could see the jewel shards. The baby clung to her and it turns out that he was looking for darkness inside her heart so it could control her. The incident with Inuyasha looking for Kikyo was the one which got her in trouble. You couldn't really blame Kagome though. I felt so sorry for her!So that was the whole episode. I'm really glad that things are starting to pick up again. Can't wait till next week :D
Ok now for Fullmetal alchemist, it was another dark episode. There were a few parts which sort of disgusted me. For instance, the sight of the bleeding soldiers, seeing blood on the homunclus( which eats everything), implying that it had eaten Greed's loyal allies and seeing Greed himself dying was really... well, gross. With Greed dead and those allies who were so unbelievably loyal to him eaten, it kinda makes me think that good doesn't always overcome evil in this series. grrr it's exasperating that evil should live and the good should die. But there were aspects of this episode which were good too. It showed that sometimes there are villains who deserve a second look.
So that's a daily dose of anime! Neon Genesis Evangelion and S-cry-ed (the latter i put with more emphasis) deserve a look too. They're both good animes:). Ahh ok I'll stop babbling about anime now. Depending on how interesting next week's episodes might be, expect another anime episode review! See ya...
posted by Bubbles at 8:23 PM

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