Saturday, November 26, 2005
Highlight: Flame Alchemist, Fighting Lieutenant, Mystery of the Thirteenth Warehouse... and the other animes on my Saturday line-up

Hahahaha. I loved this week's FMA episode. It wasn't dark at all and it's refreshing to see the lighter side and humor of the show. I'm so mad at myself for missing last week's episode but at least I didn't miss this week. Maybe I'll buy the whole boxed set of FMA when I'm filthy rich(if that ever happens)... So basically the whole episode is a glimpse into what's happening with Colonel Mustang and his team. It was so funny. When the show started, I was really surprised. Instead of the title saying Fullmetal Alchemist, it said Flame Alchemist. (military group picture courtesy of http://www.animeanytime.com.au/catalog/images/FMA-shitajiki-brown.jpg)
Of course, that was the first attention step. But what came next deepened my surprise even further. Instead of the usual speech of Al given at the beginning if the show, Riza Hawkeye was the one speaking and had a totally different speech. There was even a picture of their group taking the place of Al and Ed's picture. It was so totally cool and caught me offguard!
The rest of the episode was really funny mostly because of Mustang's hilarious subordinates(with the exception of Riza, though). It started with them spying on the Colonel and logging his every move. Turns out Mustang is such a procrastinator (very much like me! hehe). Well anyway those boys found out that this one village girl whom one of the guys had a crush on liked Mustang! Did that sound complicated? So Havoc (I researched his name just now) who is the one who got dissed by the girl became sad and depressed. Mustang ordered the other 3 men Fury, Breda, and Farman to find a “cute cheerful girl, with a good personality” to date Havoc. Now, it just so happens that they bumped into Armstrong, this big man totally obsessed with his muscles, and suggests that Havoc date his sister who, according to him is "a very beautiful girl but just shy". It was hilarious watching Havoc obsess over what the girl probably looked like, her having a fat father and an extremely tall mother after all. To his enormous surprise, the girl turned out to be really pretty. As soon as they met though, bad luck struck him once again and the girl told him that she only liked well built and handsome men like her brother. Ouch! Now, about the mystery of the 13th warehouse, the 3 goofy guys keep saying to Mustang that they really saw the ghost of that warehouse when they were walking home the other day. Mustang, on the other hand, refused to believe them and so they tricked him into coming with them to that place. Along the way, Riza stops by at Hughes' place and for the first time since his death, Mustang visits Glacier and Elysia. He was about to come in when he saw Winry upstairs give him an angry look. He comments to Riza that "ghosts are easy to deal with. Real people... now that's scary. Give me a ghost anyday", revealing that Mustang himself has some troubled feelings inside of him. So they arrived at the warehouse place and it turns out that warehouse 13 is actually warehouse B. Get it? But Mustang did see a bone hidden in the soil that could belong to a dead soldier. In the end, Mustang hears of Archer’s plans of going to this place to stop a potential civil war, and using his weight in the military, he was able to acquire a commander position leading forces east to suppress the rebellion. I didn't like the ending too much because it left me kind of hanging but oh well. Hehe well this sure is a long review. Thanks to anyone who read what I wrote so far! Next week's episode is about Ed and Al again, titled "With the River's Flow"(woot i remembered it). It had a nice trailer and I can't wait to see it.
So what about the other anime in my daily saturday line-up? Sigh there isn't any Inuyasha anymore. They ran out of episodes I guess and need to buy the next season. Darn! And just when things were getting interesting too. Again, I blame myself for not watching last week's episode because as it turns out, that was the LAST one. Samurai Champloo was good too this week. I really like this show and I researched on it yesterday. I found a lot of comments comparing it with Cowboy Bebop saying that it was just an imitation or something. I disagree because I don't think Cowboy Bebop is even that good. I saw one episode and I didn't feel like watching again. Samurai Champloo has this cool hip-hop funk to it and it is so amazing that it works well with a show on samurais or actually, Edo Japan. My favorite episode so far, despite the sadness it caused me, is the one where Fuu(the leading girl) is hostaged by a handsome thief whom she learns has a diseased mother and therefore steals to get money for medicine. In the end the two get close and when she helped him escape he looked back and said, "I'll pay you back for this if ever we meet again." They were falling in love with each other. Then the guy was seen by the police who were chasing him while he was running on the roof. Fuu jumped down and followed him. But just as she reached the roof's edge, she saw with her very own eyes the guy being killed. The last thing the guy saw was her. OMG after that episode I cried. I was so affected. Ok so anyway(argh got side-tracked again!), Neon genesis evangelion was a dissapointment because it was the same episode I saw last Thursday. Then I watched Boondocks for the very first time because I was intrigued by it. It had strong language and other stuff but it wasn't as bad as I expected. It actually seemed pretty normal. Other shows on Adult Swim like FLCL and Robot Chicken and stuff are really weird. Then there was S-cry-ed. It was very action-packed and a LOT of things happened. I'm so glad they defeated Mujo! Ack I think this is long enough. It's 3:40 a.m right now! I hope someone took time to read my WHOLE entry because it sure took me a long time to write. Till next time... Ciao! Ja ne! Paalam (Tagalog, my native language btw... look it up)! cya!!!
posted by Bubbles at 11:30 PM

hits since 24-11-04

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heya, i finally remembered a little bit about that episode that you were talking about. i remember the part that the sister of Armstrong was kind of in love with her brother. well not really in love with her brother it is just that she likes men with muscle just like her brother. i cant remember very clearly about the whole episode tho. i guess i really have to download the anime and watch again. it is too bad that they dont show inuyashya anymore. it is really good anime. on the other hand EVA is something i dont like a lot. i watched it all i remember it has 26 or 27 episodes in total and to me it is always repeating. not to mention the last episode is really confusing. i remember i watched the last episode 3 times and still couldnt understand fully hahahaha. hmm and about that Samurai Champloo, i dont think i have ever watched it before. after searching it online, it looks pretty interesting. i guess i will try to find if there is any way i can download that. anyway i guess thats enough for now hahaha. if i dont stop now i might "just keep on talking and talking". haha sounds familiar? hehehe pretty similar to some battery commercial isnt it? LOL. looking forward to your next posting. ja mata ne~~~~
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