Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Feelings Inside
Every once in a while, we all get bad days... bad days that just make us want to go home and hide... days when it feels like there's nothing to hang on to, when we feel our deep, buried feelings surface and hit us like a cannon. You want to comfort yourself and think positive, but deep inside, you know they're just lies. It's like you're trapped and you wish you could just get the heck out of there. Sometimes this is how I feel. And today, this is especially how I feel. I feel stupid for writing this when other people are going through a much harder time than me. But what can I do? This is how I feel. I wish I could say that it'll get better... that everything will be alright. But I can't. No matter how much you wish for someone or something to save you from all this, sometimes it just won't come. That's how life is. There really are some things you just have to grin and bear. All you can do is wait. Time will pass. Minutes will turn to hours.... to days... to years... and to decades... until sadness leaves. Others can go and search for their desires which give them joy. But I will stay. I'll stay and wait for time to pass. I have no other choice...
posted by Bubbles at 1:10 PM